A Morning Song

20180526 XPicture


When morning comes
on a brand new day,
you have all you need
to start the day,
as birds begin to sing
their morning songs,
you can either listen
or sing along,
let their morning song
resonate with you,
Love is everywhere
like the morning dew,
there is no morning
that will start without you,
let break of dawn
sing its morning song
to you.

You may not hear
Love’s morning song,
but in your heart,
is where the notes
you can breathe in
the song you carry there,
breathing out,
affirming you are here,
you have the Rhythm of Love
in your heart,
no matter when your
morning starts.

And will not Love
give you what you need,
as you ask,
what might you wish
to bring,
to add to the morning song,
as you hum or sing
your song,
let others hear you,
might they sing along,
does not Love rise like
the sun at dawn?

When morning comes
on this brand new day,
you have all you need
to start the day.
You Are Peace
that fills you up,
You Are Strength
when you need a lift up,
let Joy remind you
to dance,
with Courage might you
take a chance,
let Gratitude spend the day
with you,
with Humility, let Love
show you what to do,
start with your
Morning Song of Love –
let it last the whole day
through –
singing, “You Are Love
and Love Is You.”
Love Is Everywhere
and so are You.

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Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to You Are Love Now! On my journey of Awakening, in meditation, I was nudged to begin writing what was coming through my consciousness, from my Higher Self and beyond. This happens almost daily and I have been encouraged by those who read these inspired messages to share them with a wider audience. These messages come through me, but they are received from a Higher Source than what my mind could create on its own. I present these Poems of Awakening to you, dear soul, as we travel this spiritual journey together. And the message that I always feel from these writings? You Are Love Now. Perfect. Whole. And always so very loved. If these messages speak to you, I invite you to follow this blog so you may receive the ongoing messages as they are posted.

6 thoughts on “A Morning Song”

  1. Such a beautiful poem! I love the message and love the rhymes. Simple and sublime! A joyful jaunt. I do indeed love to hear the birds in the morning. Love and joy do rise when I hear these sounds as you have so beautifully written. You’re doing wonderfully with these works. Thank you for sharing this with the world!


      1. I just came across this quotation from A Course In Miracles which instantly reminded me of your poem:

        “In you is all of Heaven.

        Every leaf that falls is given life in you.

        Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you.

        And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you.”

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sandy didn’t realize you had this blog. Brings back memories of all your poems I used to read when we were so much younger. I will definitely follow and again read your poems.


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