A Natural Perspective


Be aware of your 
Love can help you 
make a shift,
you may need to 
change your thinking,
for beyond thought is 
All of This.

Lower the volume of 
ego drowning out
what it thinks you 
must do,
in the spaces between
these words,
Here always within,
is Love,
is You.

You need not learn 
from ego’s perspective,
that is a rocky road
release the judgment,
listen with your heart,
you will remember 
what you need. 

It is a challenge 
in this life to 
look beyond to 
what is Real,
bring in Love’s 
natural perspective,
and with This Vision
see All is healed!

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Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to You Are Love Now! On my journey of Awakening, in meditation, I was nudged to begin writing what was coming through my consciousness, from my Higher Self and beyond. This happens almost daily and I have been encouraged by those who read these inspired messages to share them with a wider audience. These messages come through me, but they are received from a Higher Source than what my mind could create on its own. I present these Poems of Awakening to you, dear soul, as we travel this spiritual journey together. And the message that I always feel from these writings? You Are Love Now. Perfect. Whole. And always so very loved. If these messages speak to you, I invite you to follow this blog so you may receive the ongoing messages as they are posted.

6 thoughts on “A Natural Perspective”

  1. Observing our thoughts and changing those that need to line up with what’s Real is a delicious recipe for a return to Love. Thank you Sandy and Spirit ❣️ 😇🙏💛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this:
    Lower the volume of ego….in the spaces between these words…here always within is you/love.
    Returning to the spaces between the words today to find LOVE!!😜❤️😘
    Thanks s and a💕

    Liked by 1 person

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