

Is it not magical
when the human mind
has glimpses of what 
your soul knows,
This is Here,
beyond your thoughts 
and other beliefs
that stop this flow.

You need not travel 
to other places,
though a change 
of mind is what
you need,
as you melt the layers
that make things murky,
are you not amazed 
at Love’s clarity.

Letting go of
keeping it simple 
is Love’s True way,
release what you 
think you need,
experience life
as Love, today!



Who would you be 
without your fear,
when ego has no place 
to go,
are you not used to looking
over your shoulder,
is this not the dread 
you have come to know.

Yes life, this world will 
bring to you situations
that may hurt,
but might you use what 
gets roiled in your beliefs,
to clear out what questions 
your worth.

Fear can be a sticky 
drawing more fear to
its side,
with the Vision of 
your soul,
might you now see 
how fear divides.

Use life experiences
as fuel to help clear out
what may be stuck,
you need not hide from
what life brings you,
discern old patterns 
and release with Love.

With the fearlessness 
of soul,
with a heart so fierce 
and True,
there is no-thing that 
can block the Truth 
of this wholly,
magnificent You!



Let life flow throughout 
you freely,
with less resistance 
what might you find,
this may help you 
change perspective,
freeing you from 
your demanding mind.

With a loosening
of expectation,
does not your path 
begin to smooth,
you may not know the
next step to take,
but you believe you will
know what to do.

In This Moment
may you flow,
fresh new energy 
is Here with you,
release the old beliefs 
that no longer serve
this empowered and 
fearless you!

Love Chooses You


Love chooses you.

Bring to the world
your perspective,
as Love experiences 
through you,
precious One,
You Are cherished,
Love chooses you.

Yes in life challenges
you miss those who 
are not around,
yet soul to soul
are you not connected,
Love chooses you.

Sense the power 
of your Strength 
and Courage,
loved ones see 
your beautiful Light,
Be all colors of 
the rainbow,
Love chooses you.

Find Love’s Peace 
in your breath,
eternal Love fills
your heart,
forever You Are 
beloved, cherished –
Love always 
chooses you.

A Loving Shift


Say yes to Love.

There is allowance,
flowing acceptance,
in This energy when
you join,
open you to 
All of You,
believe and trust –
say yes to Love.

Set your fears 
to the side,
they no longer get
in the way,
when you hear ego’s
voice intruding,
go to your heart –
say yes to Love.

You may think 
this is too simple,
but a loving shift 
is all you need,
Love is Here,
infinitely ready,
saying yes to You –
is saying yes to Love.

Life will always come 
with struggle,
Be the observer 
from the You 
that sees,
Here is Light,
within, around you,
infinitely shining –
as you say yes 
to Love!

Welcome Home


You may have lost 
trust in your travels,
but no matter where 
you roam,
trust your heart,
your forever center,
always, dear one,
You Are Home.

Angels, guides
and loved ones
with you every 
breath you take,
listen to Love’s
gentle whisper, 
Here is guidance
along your way.

Trust and believe 
what is within you,
it bubbles up from 
within your soul,
this infinite well-spring 
is your power,
with Strength and Courage,
may This you know.

You have All you need 
within You,
trust your soul 
and believe this,
with the comfort 
of dear loved ones,
welcome Home to 
All of This!

One, Together


Listen to your soul’s 
strong Voice,
is it not fierce,
your power within,
draw upon This 
when you need it,
its clarity cuts through
life’s noisy din.

Love’s vibration has 
a drumbeat,
your heart’s rhythm 
knows this well,
when you need centered,
shift to This Vibration,
that reminds you 
All is Well.

You need not be 
anywhere else,
the Whole of You
is Everywhere,
listen to your soul 
assuring –
as One, together,
We All Are Here!

Always Here


And always,
Here is Love.

You miss dearly 
the physical presence
of loved ones you 
know so well,
your hearts eternally
are connected –
and always,
Here is Love.

Grief accompanies you
upon this journey,
as you breathe and walk
the earth,
but dear your souls
are soaring together –
and always,
Here is Love.

Precious memories 
bring remembrance,
though as soul you
experience All now,
may your heart 
help you to know –
that always,
Here is Love.

Sense This Truth 
in your whole Be-ing,
Love is Everywhere
You Are,
soul to soul 
beloveds whisper –
forever, always,
Here is Love.

Asking to Remember


Asking does not mean
you do not know 
within what you wish
to know –
let your asking open you
to receiving,
saying yes to Love’s 
sweet flow.

Let go of the need
for detail,
your human mind can
work that out,
expand to the bigger 
ask how may you 
see Love here,

Your answer is You 
remembering Peace,
sensing you are not
within your soul
there is no question,
only the remembrance 
of You,
always Home!

Here You Are


Welcome back to your 
though in Truth 
you never left,
All of You is 
forever Here,
there is no-thing 
you need to get.

Clear out the cobwebs,
clear the air,
Here You Are,
breathe in and Be,
it is your human self
that scatters,
your soul is always 
Home and free.

Draw in breath,
welcome Home,
in your wholeness 
may you find –
Here is Peace,
All is Well,
forever Here 
is Love Divine!