
5/18/24  from: 5/17/22

What rises up 
within you,
what wishes to 
be heard,
honor all emotions
so Love may 
witness unspoken

In your mind 
you need not 
figure out
all questions you
may have,
Love accepts,
allows and 
Love is beyond 
all good or 

Love creates space 
for exploration,
in this world 
you experience,
now look with Love
beyond your 
set yourself free 
so you may 

Dance with Love’s
blessed forgiveness,
may this flow bring 
Grace and ease,
Love holds out its hand,
accept it,
hand to heart,
Here is Love’s 

Soul and Body


Keep releasing 
what comes up
that often works 
to hold you down,
this may feel like
being stuck,
though you know
innately Love is
all around.

The human psyche 
is so strong,
how do you separate 
from that,
dear one – there is 
no separation,
might you Love it All,
not only this or that.

As You bring you 
into the fold,
this is how Unity 
is achieved,
Be You Oneness,
soul and body,
Here You Are 
at Peace and free!

Forward Flow


Be flexible.

Think outside of 
the box,
better yet place 
thinking aside,
tune into your 
where your soul 
patiently resides.

Play with possibility,
you can still plan but
open this up,
let go of old 
familiar patterns,
step into flow and 
out of your rut.

Be exited for new 
even if you don’t know
what they are,
This energy will 
propel you forward,
the way illuminated 
by the stars.

Be you grounded upon
Love’s foundation,
Be you Peace as Love
flows through,
in This present moment,
dear one,
All of This is 
Wholly You!

This Peace


Love says hand 
your burdens over,
Be at Peace held 
in Love’s arms,
allow each moment 
to unfold,
Be Here,
Be present,
safe from harm.

This Perspective 
is your soul that 
sings with angels 
and guides you,
yes as a place of duality,
life can be challenging
to navigate through.

This Peace is but a
breath away,
ready to listen,
nurture, heal,
life is not meant 
to be perfect,
but You as Spirit 
is what is Real.

Be You balanced,
empowered, strong,
embrace Gratitude 
to raise you up,
say yes to the angels
singing –
You Are Loved,



Breathe deep into 
the Soul of You
that is safe 
and secure.

Here is Trust,
Here is your 
true Essence
that thrives beyond 
all words.

Whilst in survival mode,
support may be 
needed for a 

A Team of guides 
and angels
accompany you through
All of This.

Find solace and 
be cradled in 
Love’s womb that
welcomes you.

Here You Are,
beloved and 
so Loved –
breathe in
this Truth 
of You!



Be your dream
may you soar and fly
on angel wings 
that remind you how,
your path may stretch 
out before you,
but delight in 
This Here and Now.

With loved ones always 
in your heart,
experience life 
as it shows up,
you have a purpose
always dear,
is it not to know
and trust –
You Are Love.

In linear life 
time is a marker,
but You as Timeless
only need to Be,
This eternal You
is full of wonder,
upon this journey,
fly high and free!

And Peace Remains


Your human self 
is very personal,
it is easy to take
all things to heart,
bolstered by many
core beliefs,
some things that happen
feel like your fault.

Defenses rise and 
frustrations grow,
the shoulds and 
have to(s) come out 
to personalize,
as life unfolds what 
battles do you pick,
might Peace remain 
as you let go of why.

Yes do continue to 
solve and work 
things out,
but as you loosen 
the personalizing grip,
invite Peace and ease 
to bring clarity,
with newfound Strength,
experience All of This!

Where Peace Is


You search for balance
in your life
when you feel prickly 
or out of sorts,
frustrations mount,
you look for answers,
you ask for life 
to give you more.

Question your questions,
release the answers,
shift your attention 
to where Peace Is,
Here is what you 
have been seeking,
all along your Peace
is Here,
is This.

You need not wait 
for something to 
Be Love happening 
with Grace and ease,
You Are aligned,
complete and balanced,
Be This Awareness –
Here is All Peace.

Be-ing You


Show up for you,
show up for Love,
Be This present moment
below as above,
with no expectation 
waiting –
Be You,
as Love.

Does not the day 
unfold in its
bring your Self to
what may Be,
You authentic,
ready for wonder –
Be You,
as Love.

Embrace change that 
is bound to happen,
Be a Creator,
it is Who You Are,
shine your Light,
Be illumination – 
Be You,
forever Love.