

Practice Presence,
Be This now,
in this moment,
throughout your day,
let your noticing 
bring you Here,
as you observe 
what comes your 

Noticing is neutral,
without judgment,
it is the observer
perspective of You,
ego may bring up
what Eyes of Love,
can now gaze upon,
to Love all of you.

Be This Presence,
and as Loving Light,
may you notice 
Here is Peace,
holding space for
your beautiful self,
is how Love 
Loves You,



What does Love 
ask of you?
Only to answer 
with your heart.

When you join in 
this loving space,
you join as the Truth
of Who You Are.

Join with your 
sisters and your 
You Are a collective 

Look beyond what 
separates you,
may Love,
draw all near.

You ask Love 
where are you now?
When you need Love 
more than ever.

My dears,
I Am your 
beautiful heart
that beats the rhythm
of forever.

What does Love 
ask of you?
You know the answer 
within your soul.

Be as Love,
precious One,
You Are Beloved 
and Loved so.

A Loving Gift


Be Love’s gift.
You Are a Gift 
of Love.

Is not gifting
giving, receiving,
is not the giving 
easier to do,
it may be harder 
to accept,
what someone else 
may give to you.

Open your heart,
receive gifts fully,
it does not mean 
there is any lack,
is not receiving
for what flows in 
is always given back.

Love spirals,
cycles wholly 
through you,
there is no struggle 
when Love truly flows,
You Are This stream 
of giving, receiving,
sense the Peace 
that is yours to 

Be Love’s gift,
here is your purpose,
to receive Love,
making it your own,
as you share freely
with all others,
you lovingly remind,
All are always


Love’s Tender Embrace


Come with me,
Love says, smiling,
may you with Love 
walk with ease,
let your remembrance 
of a heart so full,
fill you up with 
eternal Peace.

May you embrace 
the magical essence
of Love that is 
always Here,
your loved ones 
whisper so softly,
to remind you they 
are always near.

May Love lift burdens
you may carry,
may Love fill you up 
with Peace,
feel the embrace of Love
so tender,
this Spark of Love shines 

A Loving Alignment


As the rain is beautifully 
is not Love’s flow 
clearing too,
what edges might need
loving smoothing,
what no longer 
aligns with you?

As you shift with 
growth much like 
the early shoots
that arise in spring,
you may feel tender,
but You Are Strength,
a creative force,
letting your heart

Life may bring to 
the surface,
what you may choose 
or what you might 
choosing Love is 
the simple answer
in a complex world 
of opposing things.

Love is the clearing,
gentle flow,
that is accessible 
always to you,
the sun and blue sky 
are always Here,
even as dark clouds 
obscure your view.

On a brand new day 
You Are the Light 
you seek to find,
arise from Love’s 
gentle clearing,
forever Loved,
eternally aligned!

A Deeper Peace


Realign with your 
when you need to 
come back Home,
you may sense scattered
parts of you,
but in your wholeness
you are not alone.

Honor your feelings 
as they surface,
but check the origin 
from where they come,
if there is strife 
or disconnection,
remember chaos is 
what ego loves.

Look with your eyes 
that have Vision,
thank the ego for 
what is here,
there is no-thing 
that Love can’t handle,
to see,
to heal with loving 

Though roads may sometimes 
become rocky,
Love helps you find 
the flow to glide,
dive deep into more 
peaceful waters,
You Are Peace
and Love inside!

Hope and Compassion


Love is Here,
precious ones,
share with All 
who are in pain,
Be Love’s remembrance 
when skies are dark,
knowing that sun 
rises again.

Be free with hope 
and compassion
for a world holding 
its weariness,
what sharing smile,
what glimmer of Light,
may connect with another 
who may not see This.

Take this moment 
to hold gently,
your own pain that 
comes up to heal,
let your sorrow and
your anger know
that they are Loved
as well.

With compassion,
with forgiveness,
make a place 
so safe to rest,
invite your self
to join with Love,
unifying All to know
All are Blessed.

As Faith, With Trust


Open the door,
see what awaits you,
Faith has brought you 
to this place,
now with Trust 
may you step through,
with loving service,
come what may.

Love builds its purpose
within you,
it may look this way
or change to that,
what drives,
what brings you Joy,
and is not Peace 
a result of that?

Be as Love’s flow,
follow the breadcrumbs,
in your wonder 
is not Joy released,
Trust in You,
precious child,
may you discover,
Here always is Peace.

Your Song


Sing your song.

It may not be 
set to music,
it is your unique 
way to Be,
share it with 
all those around you – 
sing your song.

Does it not express
the Love that bubbles 
up when your Light 
reaches out,
be like the birds
who sing at daybreak –
sing your song.

This is an energetic 
flow that cannot help
but flow from you,
what brings you Joy,
what resonates with you –
sing your song.

The world needs your
so many wish to 
sing along,
Love’s chorus sings 
with the angels,
sharing your 
love song.

In This Allowance


Don’t run ahead,
you may miss something
that is beautiful 
in your view,
pause a moment,
take a breath,
in This allowance,
what would Love do?

Cherish this moment,
this You right Here,
in your wholeness
with Gratitude,
past or future 
are merely shadows,
your I Am presence 
is Love embodying

Yes, life unfolds 
and it is tempting
to write the script 
so you may know,
but Peace is in 
this moment now,
trusting and following 
Love’s perfect flow.

Be with your breath,
embrace this moment,
allow what Love gives
to you,
in your receiving,
are you not giving
All of your Light 
that shines in You!