In Wonder


Breathe in wonder
where you are,
though life unfolds
in linear time,
You Are Everywhere
at once,
Love knows 
your heart,
your soul,
your mind.

Days may fly by,
seconds tick off,
but You as Soul 
are forever Here,
Be gracious with 
your earthly body,
Love your temporary
take good care.

Behold the wonder 
of All of You,
You fill the earth and 
galaxies beyond,
your mind struggles 
with what it cannot
your soul reassures –
Here You belong.

May small comforts 
touch your heart,
a cup of tea,
a stroke of fur,
may the stillness of
a dawning day,
help you to realize –
You Are Love’s 



With Love and Gratitude 
in your toolkit,
with a heart open
and full,
may you see with
fresh eyes
all possibilities 
that may unfold.

This openness and 
willingness to
refresh what may 
feel stale
is the first step
that you need,
then allow spirit 
to take the wheel.

Be at ease with 
ebb and flow,
there is a timing 
that is Divine,
in This Surrender
do what you need,
but gently release 
rigidness of mind.

Try this on as 
something new,
but You remember 
and with Joy see –
the exquisiteness of spirit
flowing with You 
so elegantly!

Taking Flight


Climb out of your
moonlight waits patiently
for you,
bathe in This Light
as you release 
what is ready to 
move through.

You need not a 
your intention is in
This Now,
with some willingness 
and open heart,
unclutch from the 
why and how.

Ride on moonbeams,
radiate with sun,
You Are the breeze 
rustling dear trees,
answer with yes
to the universe,
to your soul,
flying truly free!

Eternally Home

12/28/23  from – 12/29/22

Here I Am,
Love says 
I am always 
with you, 
you can imagine 
One or many,
One Love,
are always near.

Love may show up
as a stranger,
helping another 
who is lost,
Love is the generosity
of family,
who help no matter 
what the cost.

As human you may 
question your
but never worry 
about this, dear,
you cannot spend time 
away from Love,
as timeless, 
Love is forever 

Here We Are,
with you always,
know your purpose 
as Love is True,
breathe in Love,
welcome Home,
sense Love’s
eternal Home
in You!

Dear One

12/27/23  from – 12/29/21

Might you sense it
in the trees,
that sway softly 
in the breeze,
is there not more 
than you can see,
surrounding you 
so gently?

We Are You,
yes, You Are Us,
your angels, 
guides and loved ones
these connections
are as real,
as the sacred breath 
that breathes you.

Love is Eternal,
what does this mean –
eternity exists beyond
there is no place that 
you are not,
You Are Everywhere
with All Divine.

May your heart,
with Love,
be full,
may you sense 
Love’s comfort Here,
beyond skies of blue,
yet as close as breath,
Dear One,
as Love,
You Are Everywhere.

Softly, Peace

12/26/23  from – 12/27/20

Let your soul 
remind you where 
are the depths 
of your Peace,
when you release
your surface thoughts,
is there not a stillness

You need not 
travel far
or go to great 
to experience 
this – 
your soul remembers 
what you forgot, 
Here You Are,
All of This.

If you need a 
let your imagination 
you may travel 
to the stars 
so vast,
you may dive deep 
to the ocean floor.

But all of the 
exists completely 
in the Soul of You,
for beyond imagination,
is the Truth 
of the eternal You.

You need not 
but know your soul 
contains All of Truth,
Here is the Peace 
that passes all
nestled so softly
in the Soul of You!



Arise dear one
your soul is calling,
listen to what Love 
has to say,
feel this,
sense this –
Love is the answer
to all you ask 
forever and always.

Behold This Light,
it radiates from You,
you need not travel 
for This to find,
You as a Beacon 
of Love so precious,
fill the Everywhere 
beyond time.

Answer Love’s call,
say yes to This,
Love lifts you up
helping you stand tall,
arise and Be 
All That You Are,
behold your Light,
You Are Love now!

Together, Always


We share this day 
and every other,
loved ones whisper 
in your ear,
with the noisiness 
of life,
this may be difficult 
to hear.

Move to your heart –
are they not present,
always, forever,
still right Here,
yes memories swirl 
in your mind,
but in real-time they 
are oh so near.

Precious child,
Love knows you physically 
miss their presence 
here each day,
but as you are not
only physical,
your souls dance 
together always.

We do not miss
a single thing,
with Gratitude
we see your Light,
your heart beats a
Rhythm of Love
that joins with ours 
every day and night!

A Present of Being


Enjoy This moment.
Be Joy This moment.
Engage and Be present 
with all who you are 
with today.

Laugh until your 
eyes get teary,
open your heart to
another’s pain,
Be-ing present allows you
to choose Love  
again and again.

Be Light in This moment,
begin with you,
nurture and spread 
no matter the season,
bless all Beings –
All come from above.

You Are This in 
every moment,
soak This up 
as you experience 
Be Love in This moment –
We see You and your
beautiful Light!

All of This

20191223 XPicture

12/22/23  from – 12/23/19

Be Light as moon
above you glowing,
spread Light as rays
from the sun,
see Light within
your brother growing,
know Light as you
and your sister
Are One.

There may not be
a single instance
in this life
that unites you All,
you may share a moment
on your timeline,
you may sing together
to a favorite song.

But Light and Love
have you connected,
this goes beyond
familial ties,
acknowledge This Light
in All you See,
let your heart open
to This Truth inside.

Be Light,
it is your truest
you need not search
for this perfect gift,
see your reflection
wherever you are looking,
your Home resides
in All of This.