You Are


Close your eyes,
breathe deep,
Be awashed 
in Gratitude.

Open your heart 
and look around,
what blessings come 
to nourish you.

What you give 
you do receive,
Be part of Love’s
infinite flow.

You Are needed,
cherished, adored,
may you believe,
trust and know.

As a drop of 
springtime rain
belongs to the ocean
vast and wide. . . 

You Are Home
to All That Is –
All of Love 
is Here,

In Gratitude


In Gratitude
trust and believe.

Life can be a 
you may question 
where is Peace,
where to turn 
when you are 
struggling – 
in Gratitude 
trust and believe.

When Grace and ease 
come ’round to visit,
you may look for 
what may come next,
stay with This moment 
and with Grace – 
in Gratitude
trust and believe.

You Are Strength 
as a soul empowered,
You Are Courage
as a human here,
may you rise to meet
any challenge,
in You as Gratitude –
trust and believe!

This Trust Within


What does trust 
mean to you –
this may change 
throughout your
might you dive deep
to your Source
and discover Trust 
is Here – your Light.

There are myriad times
in life when trust
has appeared to 
let you down,
but might these instances
help you to go within
instead of all around.

Instead of trusting
outcomes wished for,
might you align with 
your Strength and Peace,
Here is where Trust
plays with Gratitude,
This is All 
that you need!

A Sweet Reset


When you wish 
to get back online,
there is one thing 
that you can do,
there is no need to
push down feelings,
simply switch to 

This key can open 
any lock
to what you may 
wish to express,
when you are feeling
out of sorts,
Gratitude is a sweet 
and soft reset.

You still will work out
any problems and 
honor emotion that 
flows through,
but to help All 
work together,
re-align with



Breathe in deeply,
take a step,
do this throughout 
your day,
each precious moment 
in This Now
is Love honoring you
in every way.

Hand Love your fear
that brings up past,
no need to doubt 
what future brings,
Be Here cradled 
in Love’s womb,
Be present,
Be You 
with Everything.

Breathe in Strength,
sense your Courage,
a wave of Gratitude
invites Peace Here,
breathe in deeply,
take a step,
sense Love eternally
with you, dear!



Love rejoices as you rise.

Like the patient bulbs 
of winter
that emerge with 
a hint of warmth,
your heart leaps when 
you see growth –
and Love rejoices 
as you rise.

Hope of spring stirs
deep within you,
yes each season 
shares its Truth,
your Gratitude builds
for All of it 
and Love rejoices 
as you rise.

May a new beginning 
Be This Moment,
This You is All 
Love asks you to Be,
at every step along
the way dear,
You Are Love rejoicing 
your growth,
your rise!

Infinite Gratitude


Be thankful.
Be grateful.
If not big,
may the smallest 
thing fit.

Start with something,
sense your willingness,
which is the opening 
to All of This.

The way to end 
your resistance 
is to Be part 
of Love’s flow.

Giving thanks 
with Gratitude
puts you in line
with your soul.

With allowance 
and acceptance,
what might you do with
what flows through.

Be thankful.
Be grateful.
Love’s eternal power 
forever is in You!

In Wonder


Breathe in wonder
where you are,
though life unfolds
in linear time,
You Are Everywhere
at once,
Love knows 
your heart,
your soul,
your mind.

Days may fly by,
seconds tick off,
but You as Soul 
are forever Here,
Be gracious with 
your earthly body,
Love your temporary
take good care.

Behold the wonder 
of All of You,
You fill the earth and 
galaxies beyond,
your mind struggles 
with what it cannot
your soul reassures –
Here You belong.

May small comforts 
touch your heart,
a cup of tea,
a stroke of fur,
may the stillness of
a dawning day,
help you to realize –
You Are Love’s 



With Love and Gratitude 
in your toolkit,
with a heart open
and full,
may you see with
fresh eyes
all possibilities 
that may unfold.

This openness and 
willingness to
refresh what may 
feel stale
is the first step
that you need,
then allow spirit 
to take the wheel.

Be at ease with 
ebb and flow,
there is a timing 
that is Divine,
in This Surrender
do what you need,
but gently release 
rigidness of mind.

Try this on as 
something new,
but You remember 
and with Joy see –
the exquisiteness of spirit
flowing with You 
so elegantly!

Here Love Is


Here Love is
right with you

In the night 
when sleep is
during day if 
doubts persist,
when you need 
some reassurance,
Here Love is 
right with you

When you marvel 
at the sky
through treetops 
that are evergreen,
warmed by sun 
though days are 
Here Love is 
right with you

Rest in Gratitude 
to center,
Be at Peace upon
each breath,
as your heart fills
with This Knowing,
Here Love is 
right with you