Love’s Possibility


Stretch yourself
beyond your 
see how your soul 
responds with ease,
even when lessons 
appear not to your
might reasons be 
beyond what you 
can see.

Possibility lives in 
always remember 
you are a creative 
be aware when you
are saying “no” –
might saying “yes”
help you reset 
your course?

The ego is quick 
to shut down
what it fears,
the status-quo 
is where its 
comfort is,
allow your soul 
to speak to your
Heart of Joy,
as an infinite Be-ing,
are you not 
All of This?

This need not be 
a call to change 
the world,
though the world 
changes through 
your Vision of Truth,
be all that is possible
with your courageous 
heart – 
the manifestation 
of Love that shines 
eternally through You!

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Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to You Are Love Now! On my journey of Awakening, in meditation, I was nudged to begin writing what was coming through my consciousness, from my Higher Self and beyond. This happens almost daily and I have been encouraged by those who read these inspired messages to share them with a wider audience. These messages come through me, but they are received from a Higher Source than what my mind could create on its own. I present these Poems of Awakening to you, dear soul, as we travel this spiritual journey together. And the message that I always feel from these writings? You Are Love Now. Perfect. Whole. And always so very loved. If these messages speak to you, I invite you to follow this blog so you may receive the ongoing messages as they are posted.

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