Whispers of the Heart

20181110 XPicture


Can you hear the
whispers of your heart,
sometimes faint
and often strong,
is that not where
unbroken bonds
assure you that
you are not alone –
you know the feeling,
it is familiar,
do you not sense
your loved ones
always accompanying you
in your heart,
their Love surrounds you,
always near.

You may think
it is your thoughts,
but might it be them
who puts it there,
do not your loved ones
also feel
and sense the connection
that is always Here,
is there not delight,
a celebration,
when a sign or
synchronicity appears,
when across this
eternal bond,
there is a magical connection
with your loved ones dear?

It need not
be magic,
Love is always in
your heart,
listen to the whispers,
assuring you,
you are never apart,
Love always finds
a way,
to let you know
Love never dies –
sense Love’s presence,
whispering softly
or very strong,
Here Is Love,
always with You,
in your heart
where Love belongs.

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Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to You Are Love Now! On my journey of Awakening, in meditation, I was nudged to begin writing what was coming through my consciousness, from my Higher Self and beyond. This happens almost daily and I have been encouraged by those who read these inspired messages to share them with a wider audience. These messages come through me, but they are received from a Higher Source than what my mind could create on its own. I present these Poems of Awakening to you, dear soul, as we travel this spiritual journey together. And the message that I always feel from these writings? You Are Love Now. Perfect. Whole. And always so very loved. If these messages speak to you, I invite you to follow this blog so you may receive the ongoing messages as they are posted.

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