A Dance With Peace


Look inward now,
precious child,
all you think you 
need is Here,
yes, you gather 
but your True Knowing 
is oh so near.

As time is of this world
may you spend some 
of it now within,
with Peace,
this is a state
you can access,
by shifting perspective 
in any place.

May you integrate This 
throughout your day,
not setting aside 
the time to still,
invite the Peace that
dwells within,
to join you throughout
your day at will. 

Your ego mind has 
not the answers,
it need not be the 
one in charge,
You as Spirit
are Everywhere,
shift your intention
to the Love You Are.

Enjoy this dance with 
your True Partner,
move gently with spirit 
throughout your day,
Be amazed,
Be at ease,
Be the Peace that 
guides you in 
every way!

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Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to You Are Love Now! On my journey of Awakening, in meditation, I was nudged to begin writing what was coming through my consciousness, from my Higher Self and beyond. This happens almost daily and I have been encouraged by those who read these inspired messages to share them with a wider audience. These messages come through me, but they are received from a Higher Source than what my mind could create on its own. I present these Poems of Awakening to you, dear soul, as we travel this spiritual journey together. And the message that I always feel from these writings? You Are Love Now. Perfect. Whole. And always so very loved. If these messages speak to you, I invite you to follow this blog so you may receive the ongoing messages as they are posted.

6 thoughts on “A Dance With Peace”

  1. So perfect. My mind has been extremely busy gathering information these days. It is not bad to do that but but it does not bring me peace. Finding the balance is the key. Many thanks for this timely reminder💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sandy, thank you and your team for another week of beautiful life-giving messages from Love Itself. Everything we need is right here within us ❣️

    Liked by 1 person

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